December 18, 2022
Greeters: Jerry Glass
Ushers: Penny Allen
Reader: Betty Patrick
Advent Candles: Doug Kosmicki Family
Organist/Pianist: Bethany Kemnitz & Sharon Jensen
Star Of The East – Kennedy
Christmas Pastoral - Demorest
Passing of the Peace
L: In the midst of darkness, God brings a new light.
P: Thanks be to the God of light.
L: In the midst of confusion and fear, God brings hope and peace.
P: Thanks be to the God of peace.
L: In the midst of strife and stress, God comforts and soothes us.
P: Let us praise God who truly loves us and brings us new life.
Opening Hymn
#240 "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing"
Fourth Weekend of Advent (Love):
Gracious God, our time of waiting is almost over.
We pray that we have prepared well,
that we have proclaimed and witnessed to Christ’s coming,
and that we are now willing to let Christ enter our hearts and lives.
Scripture LESSON
Matthew 1:18-25
Call to Prayer:
#2128 (Vs. 1) "Come and Find the Quiet Center"
"Lord hear our prayers"
Lord's Prayer #895
Prayer of Confession: (Unison)
Lord, we confess that we are rushing headlong into Christmas.
It’s only seven days away and we still have so much to do.
Our preparations are far from complete, and we are exhausted.
We wish this whole thing were over so that we could rest.
Forgive our shortcomings and our short-sightedness.
You have poured upon us blessing after blessing, daily reminding us of your love and presence;
yet we have chosen to jump onto this “greased slide” into Christmas.
Give us patience. Slow us down.
Remind us of the ways in which you are present with us:
not in the wrapped packages, the abundance of food,
but in the love and compassion that is brought to all.
Forgive us, we pray.
Make us truly ready to receive your love and the gift of the Christ Child.
Words of Assurance:
The light of God’s love shines upon each of us in the gift of God’s love, Jesus Christ.
This is given for you. Rejoice! You are loved by God, now and forever.
Ministry Moment
"13th Month" | Tom Graves | Video
Oh, Come To My Heart - Matthews
Prayer of Dedication: (UNISON)
Gracious One, you have restored us in body and in soul.
You have given us abundant life, more than we could have ever imagined.
You have made your face shine upon us to make us whole.
Holy One, bless now the offerings of our hearts and lives,
that we might shine as you shine, and share your blessings with others.
Christmas Pageant
"Christ The Savior Is Born"
#211 “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” v. 1,2
#230 “O Little Town of Bethlehem” v. 1,2
#217 “Away in the Manger” v. 1,2,3
#236 “While Shepherds watched their flocks” v. 1,3
#238 “Angels We have heard on High” v. 1,3
#234 “O Come all ye faithful” v. 1,3
#254 “We three Kings of Orient are” 1,5
Closing Hymn: #206 “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light”
Receive Your King - Lorenz