Ad Council Notes Jan 2025

Trinity UMC Administrative Council Meeting

January 16, 2025

Present: Rev. April Wegehaupt, Pastor Anny Kapundu, Pastor Carla Gunn, Steven Stoppkotte, Carol Stoppkotte, Vaughn Minton, Susan Stoppkotte, Christina Landenberger, Deb Brummund, Bruce Schreiner, Tom Graves, LeEllen Haynes.

Administrative Council met January 16, 2025, through Zoom. Chair Steven Stoppkotte called the meeting to order. Rev. April opened with a prayer followed by Steven reading Trinity’s Mission and Vision statements. Minutes of the November meeting were approved as written.

New Business:

Sudanese Congregation: Rev. April raised concerns about the Sudanese congregation’s use of the church building. There have been issues with them using the church more often and staying later. In Miller Hall they have not followed through with shutting off lights, turning off the oven, cleaning up, etc. The children are not well supervised. These issues have been addressed with the Sudanese church leaders before but there has not been follow through. After discussion, Bruce made a motion that the Sudanese congregation be requested to find a new location to meet with the deadline to move within 3 months. Tom seconded the motion and the motion carried. All keys in their possession need to be returned to the church office. Door codes may need to be changed.

Wednesday Evening Meals: Deb said that with the Wednesday weekly meals, we need a couple people to police the kitchen. They would see that items are put away and keep the refrigerator clean. April said maybe we need a committee to help organize Wednesday nights. Deb made a motion that we appoint Penny Allen and Jeanne Graves as Kitchen Monitor Cochairs. Carol seconded and the motion carried.

Administrative Council Chair: Steve Stoppkotte was appointed interim chair when Rob Winter moved. Deb made a motion that Steve be appointed as Administrative Council Chair and Tom seconded. The motion carried.

Church Interns: Christina requested to hire a Trinity college student as a part time summer intern. The salary could be awarded as a scholarship and come from the Education endowment. The position would be 15-20 hours for 10 weeks. Bruce made a motion that $3,000 be made available from the Education Endowment to hire a Trinity college student as a summer intern to be paid as a scholarship. Deb seconded and the motion carried.

There was no Old Business.

Administrative Reports:

Finance: Bruce Schreiner reported that our final balance for 2024 was $10,000 less that 2023. We were able to pay our Mission Share obligation in full. Bruce recommended and made a motion to pay $4,500 in Mission Shares in January, and review each quarter on the amount we can expect to pay each month. Vaughn seconded and the motion passed. Bruce said that we are still on course to receive PRI payment of $100,000.

Susan continues to research the history of the Education Endowment Fund. Bruce and Susan will put together the information we know and make a recommendation on next steps.

LeEllen introduced an action item. She recommended that we close out the HIV/AIDS Emergency Fund. In the past 2 years the regional Nebraska AIDS Project has not utilized the fund. LeEllen has had several communications with them to encourage accessing the fund. She made a motion to close the HIV/AIDS Fund effective July 31, 2025. The fund will be open for NAP to access until that date. Any funds remaining in the account, at that time, will be forwarded to the United Methodist Global AIDS Committee. Deb seconded and the motion carried. LeEllen will contact NAP to inform them of this decision.

Trustees: Tom Graves reported that electrical issues in the kitchen are being worked on. Lights in the Gathering Place are being replaced with LED lights. Miller Hall renovation will be coming. This will include painting, carpeting, and addressing sound repression issues. The Bell Tower has leaking which is being checked. The Parlor has a new sofa and loveseat.

In the near future, the sanctuary will need a new roof with a different type of roofing.

Vision Committee: Deb reported that they will meet February 2nd to look at goals this year for Trinity.

There were no reports from Endowments, Stewardship, or SPRC.

Program Reports:

Family Ministries: Christina Landenberger is introducing a program called Rooted in Faith with home ideas to bring Jesus into your daily lives. It is geared to families with children. The January GIFT activity will be an art project to make a tile wall mural. The February activity will be a cookie decorating contest. VBS will be July 27-31.

Hospitality: Pastor Carla said there will be a Hospitality training on January 23rd. This will be followed by individual training for greeters, etc. Hospitality will be making welcome packets for visitors.

Missions: Deb Brummund recommended and made a motion to approve Carol Stoppkotte as a member of the Missions Committee. Tom seconded and the motion carried.

This Sunday, Missions will prepare and serve a meal at the Salvation Army. The January Loaves and Fishes distribution served 525 boxes and 1,756 people. 56% had children under 18 years of age. Eight gift cards were, also, given out.

A guest speaker from Care Portal is set for church services on March 1-2.

Healthy Congregations: In December the Mathetes study group donated food baskets to 13 families at Howard School. The turkeys were purchased with Healthy Congregation funds. Chickens were donated to Trinity by a company and were distributed from the church.

There were no reports from UWF or UMM.

Pastors’ Reports:

Rev. April said “Called” will be Trinity’s focus word for 2025. Our focus will be stewardship and membership. Her Lenten sermon series will follow the change from cocoons to butterflies. We will have pupae at the church that should open around Easter. Trinity will host the Maundy Thursday service with a Seder meal. First-Faith UMC will host the Good Friday service.

Pastor Anny said there is now a screen in Gollaher Chapel but they are still working to get it working correctly. She had a meeting with volunteers for Wednesday night Zone and Youth groups. The youth will have a movie night at the church. February 21-22 Anny will take 5 youth to a Youth Conference in Kansas City.

Pastor Carla visits people interested in attending Trinity and being involved but do not want to join the church at this time. A Sunday evening Plarn session will be this Sunday. Some people are cutting strips at home.

The meeting adjourned. The next meeting is February 20, 2025.

Respectfully submitted,