Ad Council Notes Feb 2025

Trinity UMC Administrative Council Meeting

February 20, 2025

Present: Rev. April Wegehaupt, Pastor Anny Kapundu, Pastor Carla Gunn, Steven Stoppkotte, Carol Stoppkotte, Vaughn Minton, Susan Stoppkotte, Christina Landenberger, Deb Brummund, Bruce Schreiner, Ron Underwood, LeEllen Haynes.

Administrative Council met February 20, 2025, through Zoom. Chair Steven Stoppkotte called the meeting to order. Rev. April opened with a prayer followed by Steven reading Trinity’s Mission and Vision statements. Minutes of the January meeting were approved as written.

Old Business:

Sudanese Congregation: Rev. April reported that the meeting with the Sudanese leadership went well. St Stephen’s Episcopal Church is considering hosting their congregation. They will be moved from Trinity by the end of May.

New Business:

Sunday Sharing Time: Beginning in June and through the summer months, following the Sunday church service, we will have a time to connect and have a simple meal together. We may, also, consider a time in the winter to meet after Sunday services.

Community Garden: Carol Stoppkotte presented a proposal for a Trinity Community Garden. The area would be in part of the fenced-in area north of the church. This would be part of a mission to engage the community, and supplement ways we help feed those in need. Carol and Steven Stoppkotte would be in charge of the garden. The proposal included a timeline and possible expenses or donations, and volunteer support needed. Following discussion, Deb Brummund made a motion to adopt the proposal and move forward to evaluate and plan for a community garden. Carol Stoppkotte seconded and the motion carried.

Administrative Reports:

Finance: Bruce Schreiner reported that January giving was slightly better than 2024. We have collected our Endowment Funds of $30,000. Bruce recommended and made a motion to pay $4,500 in Mission Shares this month. Deb seconded and the motion carried. The church received a response from the IRS concerning the PRI payment. Bruce Schreiner had signed the request form. The IRS stated that a Corporate officer of the church must sign the form so the form was resubmitted with a corporate officer, Tom Graves, signing.

Trustees: Rev. April reported that the roof leak in the bell tower is being assessed, and we have a bid on another roofing project. They are checking on costs of painting Miller Hall using remaining funds from the kitchen project.

Vision Committee: Deb Brummund reported that they have set goals to promote acceptance and increase attendance. They are looking at the church service sign-in process to register attendance, and how to help people navigate the church building.

Vision Committee will help plan the celebration of the 160 year anniversary of the Methodist Church presence in Grand Island, and the 100th anniversary of Gollaher Chapel.

A fishing contest for children and reviving the Neighborhood Night Out activities are being planned.

New Trinity shirts will be available through ProTeams. There will be a variety of styles to choose from and 3 different designs. Hats will be available. The first order time is March 8-31. They are getting new aprons for the kitchen.

There were no reports from Endowments, Stewardship, or SPRC.

Program Reports:

Family Ministries: Christina said the February GIFT activity was a cookie decorating activity. Zone is going well and a couple new students are attending. The family Lenten packet will include a devotional book and other items with the theme of butterflies and renewal. Trinity night out will be April 30 at Pete’s Safari. May 18 will be Senior Sunday.

Christina is working with Susan to identify scholarship possibilities including the summer internship opportunity.

Hospitality: Carla Gunn said Hospitality will meet on Monday to go over the recent training

and decide what to focus on first. She is planning a Plarnathon during a Sunday in March.

People can sign up for a time to come in and work on the plarn mats.

Missions: Deb Brummund reported Missions will serve a meal at the Salvation Army on March 2. Loaves and Fishes in February gave out 525 boxes serving 1,719 people. They gave out 6 gift cards.

The Care Portal speaker has been cancelled since they will not be serving this area. Missions will look for another speaker. They will serve a Wednesday night meal at the church. Missions is working on an informational flyer.

There were no reports from Healthy Congregations or UMM.

Pastors’ Reports:

Rev. April has checked with the Conference Office to arrange a time when Bishop Wilson could attend our 160th anniversary celebration. Trinity will host the Maundy Thursday service with a Seder meal. First-Faith UMC will host the Good Friday service.

Pastor Anny continues visiting and providing communion for shut-ins and those in nursing homes and the hospital. A youth trip this week was cancelled due to the weather. In April she is planning for the youth to attend an event at Camp Fontanelle. There will be a movie time on March 23 for youth and their families. The youth will serve a Wednesday meal in March. This summer there will be a youth gathering planned each month.

The meeting adjourned. The next meeting is March 20, 2025.

Respectfully submitted,

LeEllen Haynes, Secretary