About Us

Trinity United Methodist Church is an inclusive Methodist church that strives to inspire people to serve God by serving their neighbors.

Service Times

Sunday in the Sanctuary AT 9:30 AM

Saturday in Gollaher Chapel AT 6:00 PM

Office Hours

Mon - Fri

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Our Guiding Statements

Our Mission:

To know and serve God.

Our Vision:

Guided by God’s love, informed by Biblical teaching, strengthened by prayer, and shaped by our relationship with Jesus Christ, we are committed to discovering and using our gifts to reach out to all God’s children.

We Value:

    • The uniqueness and worthiness of each individual as a child of God.
    • Lay ministry and leadership.
    • All children and their spiritual growth.
    • Diversity in worship.
    • Christian service and outreach in our community and beyond.

What Do We Do At Trinity?

Loaves & Fishes

Loaves & Fishes is a ministry of Trinity United Methodist Church, First Presbyterian Church, and Senior High Honor Society. This food distribution ministry occurs every second Saturday of the month. We take food insecurity very seriously in Grand Island with the surrounding area and enjoy serving our community. We serve between 350 and 450 families, which is around 1,300 individuals every month.

Howard Elementary School

Our church has been helping provide snacks for the students of Howard school since the pandemic hit and forced schools to change their lunch time routine. To join in this ministry please bring individually wrapped (low sugar) snacks to the church office.

Bible Class (Pre-K to 12th Grade)

Classes for age 2 through 12th grade are held on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. from September through April. Preschool and Elementary children will meet in the Zone Room (downstairs) before splitting into classes by grade. Middle and high school students will meet in the Tower Room (3rd floor). Older high schoolers may wish to participate in the young adult class held in the Library (downstairs) or other adult classes.


Kids Zone for elementary students is located in the Zone Room (Downstairs). Youth Zone includes a middle school class in the Youth Room (Upstairs) and a high school class in the Tower Room (3rd floor).

United Methodist Men

United Methodist Men involves men in a growing relationship to Jesus Christ and his church and provides resources and support for programs of evangelism, stewardship and the needs of men.

United Women in Faith

United Women in Faith seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.

Praise Teams

Our praise teams feature different types of music for each service. First in our Sunday rotations, Chancel Choir is our traditional church choir that sings hymns and a special song. The other days is our contemporary CrossPoint band.

Prayer Shawls

Our Prayer Shawl ministry makes prayer shawls for people to sign out and take to those who need comfort. This group meets every Thursday at 1 p.m. in The Gathering Place.

Habitat For Humanity

For Habitat for Humanity, members gather to help with builds and construction needs in Grand Island. We volunteer our physical labor and time to help our neighbors in need.

Mathetes Bible Study

The Tuesday Bible Study meets for discussion, study, and fellowship in the Youth Room. This bible study begins at 1 p.m.

Along with the ministries mentioned above, we donate items to the Salvation Army to match their monthly needs. Trinity partners with Hope Harbor and donates money for gas vouchers. Our church offers many family events throughout the year; including, Vacation Bible School, Trunk-or-Treat, Sunday School, Youth Group, Coloring at The Chocolate Bar, Rummage Sale, and more. Members volunteer in the community by helping with the City Wide Clean Up and the State Fair.

This list only scratches the surface of the many ways our members and friends serve others within the community.